Common Questions

Do you even like running?

Honestly, not really…

I can appreciate why people love it, however I don’t hate it either.

On a scale of 1-10, (1 being hate it, 10 being love it) I’m probably around a 4.

It wouldn’t be a challenge if I loved running.

Do you have a support team?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone to borrow for two and a half months to join me on this crazy adventure.

In an ideal world I’d have someone driving to each checkpoint with a kitted out van. This would allow me to sleep in the van, not have to carry a bag, and would allow me to run much further each day. This however, is not an ideal world.

Won’t you get lonely?

I will not be alone.

Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:6, Matthew 28:20, Psalm 23:4.

Will your bag be heavy?

Depending on the amount of food/water I’m carrying, my bag will weigh roughly 8-10kg; which isn’t heavy until you want to run 20km with it.

It’s as light as I can get it, and not too bad considering I’ll be living out of it.

What if your legs hurt?

womp womp.

Where are you going to sleep?

I will be sleeping primarily at campsites which are dotted around along the route.

For sections that pass through major towns or cities I have factored in hostels.

For the days with no access to campsites or hostels, I will be wild-camping wherever I can.

How much will it cost?

It’s surprisingly expensive to run 820 miles over the course 74 days. Here’s a rough calculation on essentials:

Food: £10 x 74 days = £740

Campsites: £10/£15 x 35 days = £460

Hostels: £20 x 15 days = £300

The rough total is already £1500, which only accounts for food and sleep.

How are you funding this?

I am solely relying on gracious gifts and support from the community.

If you’d love to support, even a very small amount please click here!

Matthew 6:31-32, Luke 12:24.

How will you wash your clothes?

I’ll be taking 2 sets of running clothing, and a set of regular clothes (for when I’m not running).

There’s no set plan for washing but I’ll wash as much clothing as I can, as often as I can. A lot of campsites or hostels have washing facilities.

As a last resort I will hand wash them using water and soap.

How much training have you done for this?

For just over a year I have been running weekly, and each month I have been gradually increasing the distance. I am currently running around 42km/week.

For this challenge I will be running an average of 120km/week (with the added weight). I’ve probably not trained quite as much as I’d like, but I know my body will adapt.

Support this challenge.

Whatever you can give will go a long way.